Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Week 23- On to the Hospital

Hello All,
  Today is the day I officialy go into the hospital.  This is not because they think I am going into labor yet, but rather for continous monitoring daily. I will also recieve a steroid shot to help mature the babies' lungs.  There are some side effects I have read.  That it can make your blood sugar go crazy, and that it could cause you to go into labor.  Please pray today that I will be able to keep my babies safe and sound as I have these important shots. 
  Going into the hospital at this point has been our first BIG goal to reach.  I am so thankful we made it here and that if anything happens the NICU and doctors will be right there.  The down side to this is that the hospital is 45min- 1 hour away from our home. Also, I will be in a shared room with 3 other women ( whom mostly likely I can't speak to :( ) and no internet (sigh).  I will have my I phone so I will use that a lot but it isn't quite the same.  Please continue to pray pray pray for us.  My next big goal is to make it to 28-30 weeks.  If you can hit this point, the average life expectancy goes from something like 30% to 80%.  That is a big jump.  Also, pray that I can stay positive. Up until this point Clifford has been with me daily, but due to distance and work schedule I don't think that will happen while I am in the hospital.  Thank you friends for all your prayers and encouragment, in person and over the internet.  It truly does help! 

As far as the babies go they looked good on the ultrasound yesterday.
Baby Girl A :)- had increased fluid!!!  Up to 5 cm- Praise the Lord.  Also, great weight almost 1 1/2 lbs.  And everything measured looked good.
Baby B-mystery child :)- Looked better to me. As we have seen many, many ultrasounds every time we would see our sweet baby he (my guess) would look very scrunched and it was hard to tell what things were other than his heart and head.  But yesterday the baby was a little more stretched out and we could even see fluid by it's feet.  Right now the growth shows about a 3 week difference, so this is why it is so important I don't go into labor.  My sweet baby needs more time to get big and grow.  Also, please pray with me that he might turn head down.  Then maybe the little bit of fluid will be by his mouth and he could practice breathing.  

John 16:33
"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but take heart; I have overcome the world."

Blessing to you all,
Danielle & Clifford


  1. I would love to send you something in the hospital and text you to keep up with you and send you encouragement...can you email me your address and phone number? I am friends with Jenny Lovette and also attend Grace, graduating in 2003.


  2. Praying for God to flood you with His perfect peace, Danielle (and for healthy, strong babies that stay put).

    "You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is fixed on You because He trusts in You."

    -Isaiah 26:3

  3. Jeremiah 32:17
    I am praying God will prove Himself the faithful and strong Almighty Lover of your soul (and those babies)! Blessings on Clifford as well.

  4. John 14
    “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.


    John Harrigan
